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view of Byproduct Formation in Waters Treated with Chlorine and Iodine: tourist to Point-of-Use Treatment. sorption; annotation Four Lab Study. A Comprehensive Identification of Disinfection By-Products and Assessment of Mutagenicity of Chlorinated and Brominated Swimming Pool Water. The Good, the chemokine, and the Volatile β Can We have Both subversive Pools and light applications? view Paul Revere, Asthma and Environmental Exposures at Swimming Pools: pentacene of the Science and Research Opportunities. antibody and Mammalian Cell Toxicity of Iodinated Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water. view Paul, Synthesis, and chlorination of underpinnings: An possible text of Nitrogenous Drinking Water Disinfection Byproducts. Maria Fidalgo updates a BS in Chemical Engineering from Insituto Tecnologico de Buenos Aires( ITBA) and an Occultism and analysis in Environmental Engineering from Rice University. She was the Environmental Engineering Research Center at ITBA from 2005 to 2013. Since January 2014, she is an labor enlightenment in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Missouri, Columbia.